Search For peaks In Quotes 53

I was very clear that I wanted to keep 'Thor' out of the rest of the Marvel universe for no less than the first six issues. And the success of the book I think speaks well to that decision.

My brand is a demography-breaker. It speaks to all homemakers and women from all walks of life and all across society.

My mother-in-law speaks not a word of English. I speak not a word of Tajiki. So I smile at her ingratiatingly and she fixes me with a beady eye.

The sea speaks a language polite people never repeat. It is a colossal scavenger slang and has no respect.

The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth.

Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting that speaks.

The need for peace in Northern Ireland goes well beyond political stability. It now speaks to regional Europe and even global stability.

On all the peaks lies peace.

I have a very lively and colourful show. It's two hours of hits and the music speaks for itself.

I realised a long time ago that instrumental music speaks a lot more clearly than English Spanish Yiddish Swahili any other language. Pure melody goes outside time.

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And what is liberty whose very name makes the heart beat faster and shakes the world? Is it not the union of all liberties - liberty of conscience of education of association of the press of travel or labor or trade?