Search For peaceful In Quotes 58

Islam is a peaceful religion.

I firmly believe that the mission of religion in the 21st century must be to contribute concretely to the peaceful coexistence of humankind.

If you're lucky like me your relationship with your brother has resolved itself on the peaceful side of the fence and has stayed there. But if you're someone who's got a family that's all fractured and finding it hard to relate that's a very sad place to be.

The plan shows that the twenty million people in the German democratic Republic and in the democratic sector of Berlin think only of peace and that they are working for freedom and peaceful prosperity.

Well I think by any expectation South Africa has come a tremendously long way. We've seen a society that many people thought couldn't withstand a peaceful transition to democracy without a great deal of violence in fact make that transition and do it in relative peace and security.

I'm at a point in my life where I have something solid now. I'm a peaceful person and I want to be surrounded by peace no matter what I'm doing.

Our object should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large.

If in our daily life we can smile if we can be peaceful and happy not only we but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.

Our most important task is to transform our consciousness so that violence is no longer an option for us in our personal lives that understanding that a world of peace is possible only if we relate to each other as peaceful beings one individual at a time.

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.