Search For partner In Quotes 143

In my column series 'The Main Thing ' I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate - both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.

The U.S. is looking to India as more then just a marketplace for our defense products but as a technology aerospace and strategic partner for our future endeavors.

There are ways we can go do a better job of educating young moms and dads about the vital role they have as the child's first teacher. I think there are ways in which we can partner with local school districts and states to do a better job to provide nutrition options at school.

When I finish a picture I don't show it to anyone if I feel it's not good enough yet. I've learnt to listen to my partners and my friends. For me it's the biggest success if they like it.

Margaret Thatcher was fearful of German unification because she believed that this would bring an immediate and formidable increase of economic strength to a Germany which was already the strongest economic partner in Europe.

So Europe needs to be competitive and we also need to be competitive if we wish to remain an interesting economic partner for the United States. This has to be done on the basis of strength of competitiveness.

President Obama's record on national security is a tribute to his strength and judgment and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship.

Team sports aren't my thing. I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed. And you don't need a partner to go running you don't need a particular place like in tennis just a pair of trainers.

Give me golf clubs fresh air and a beautiful partner and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air.

We need to develop and disseminate an entirely new paradigm and practice of collaboration that supersedes the traditional silos that have divided governments philanthropies and private enterprises for decades and replace it with networks of partnerships working together to create a globally prosperous society.

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Even at our birth death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.