The owner of the New York Yankees Mr. George Steinbrenner who I had the greatest respect for I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity to win that special ring in 1996.
We had a strong relationship with Walter Brown and felt that he was the best owner in the league.
The relationship between the media owner their relationship isn't strictly with people and audiences. It's also with advertisers and that's the most relationship in radio in fact it pays the bills.
The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner the creator of the universe loves you sent His Son to die for your sins that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.
If those in charge of our society - politicians corporate executives and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.
More Americans own their home than ever before. Nearly 70 percent of American's are homeowners. So it is a good time for us to asses the positive impacts of homeownership on families communities and on the nation's economy.
True poetry is similar to certain pictures whose owner is unknown and which only a few initiated people know.
When you want a break from dogs and you take them to the kennel to the stars no one thinks you're a bad pet owner. But when you have kids you can't drop them off for three weeks without someone calling Child Protective Services!
No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail.