Search For outlet In Quotes 21

I think 'Saturday Night Live' starting in the 1970s really gave women an outlet to be funny. A lot of those women went on to have film careers from Kristen Wiig now to Tina Fey and Gilda Radner.

At 6 years old the ice became a place for me to express myself. Because I was so shy off the ice it became my safe haven with music and freedom and self-expression. That was my emotional outlet.

If the education of our kids comes from radio television newspapers - if that's where they get most of their knowledge from and not from the schools then the powers that be are definitely in charge because they own all those outlets.

I like men who are very cool but who are also so brilliant that they are almost insane. Sean Penn Gary Oldman Bob Dylan Tom Waits - men who would be flipping burgers if they hadn't found an outlet for their brilliant mind-sets.

In a way song writing can almost be detrimental because suddenly you find an outlet that is a kind of cheating. You don't need to have direct communication. You can say 'I can't describe it to you but I will record it and send it to you.'

The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it... It's a great outlet. I'm not really sure who I am - it seems I change every day.

It seems almost backwards to me that my music seems the more emotional outlet and the art stuff seems more about ideas.

I've learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger release frustration.

I turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt.

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