Search For outer In Quotes 26

Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In both cases a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences whatever they may be.

How pathetically scanty my self-knowledge is compared with say my knowledge of my room. There is no such thing as observation of the inner world as there is of the outer world.

The secret of happiness is the determination to be happy always rather than wait for outer circumstances to make one happy.

A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy healthy and prosperous being and happiness health and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.

The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space: a single entity in which air water and continents are interconnected. That is our home.

Plunderous is the palate I gift to you openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit.

Dream study impacts culture. We are put in touch with the inner poet who dreams. We hear our inner subjective response to the outer world. That helps spiritualize our lives.

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service. The iMac is not just the color or translucence or the shape of the shell. The essence of the iMac is to be the finest possible consumer computer in which each element plays together.

It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom to move on in one's inward journey into new realms than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr as it is to be rash in battle.

Personally I just got one of these Vonage IP phones. It's actually pretty cool. It comes with one of these Cisco ATA routers where you just plug an analog handset in.