Search For originally In Quotes 20

Labour was the first price the original purchase - money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver but by labour that all wealth of the world was originally purchased.

Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape originally defined as abduction became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time to be not only use of but possession of or ownership.

It wasn't a problem for me drawing humans although I had originally come to the studio with the idea that what I had to offer them was my knowledge in the drawing of animals.

Regardless of who originally made it popular any hit song becomes a challenge to the ingenuity and imagination of other musicians and performers.

Originally created to serve the poorest and sickest among us the Medicaid program has grown dramatically but still doesn't include the kind of flexibility that states need to provide better health care for the poor and disadvantaged.

The founders of a new colony whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery and another portion as the site of a prison.

I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.

Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.

Originally I was in both software and in online computing. The first innovation really was sort of at that time that we're marrying the telephone and the computer so that people wouldn't have to drive to the computer center. We didn't have $1 000 computers.

I turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt.

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My father was a Catholic but my mother wasn't. She had to do that weird deal you do as a Catholic - they deign to sanction your marriage and you have to bring your children up as Catholics.