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I just like to have words that describe things correctly. Now to me 'black feminist' does not do that. I need a word that is organic that really comes out of the culture that really expresses the spirit that we see in black women. And it's just... womanish.

I'm taking one thing at a time. With the children and launching my solo career it would drive me to a nervous breakdown if I tried to organise a wedding on top of that.

When I had a job catering I catered a wedding for the Smashing Pumpkins bassist in Indiana. And I served Billy Corgan shrimp off a tray.

War is organized murder and torture against our brothers.

Organize agitate educate must be our war cry.

There are in truth no specialties in medicine since to know fully many of the most important diseases a man must be familiar with their manifestations in many organs.

Well the whole story is in the book but the short answer is that I was the first information architect in an organization that was traditionally design-oriented and I felt I needed a tool to help me gain the trust and support of my colleagues.

Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.

I travel a lot. If you look at my suitcase everything is extremely well-packed and well-folded people who travel with me are impressed at how organized I am. Some would refer to me as a maniac for this.

I am very excited to accept the role of Honorary Patron with Hope Air because of the national scope of the organization and the very real impact they have on Canadians who need to travel to healthcare.