Search For officers In Quotes 17

Some are born great some achieve greatness and some hire public relations officers.

Money is power and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated.

Government is a trust and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.

In my public service I treasure my friendship with law enforcement officers. I admire what they do and support them in every aspect of their job. I have always looked upon law enforcement officers as my friends.

The military is a very cool world to write about. I went down to Ft. Benning Ga. for military training and I learned a lot about soldiers and officers and why they joined up and what their life has been like.

Everything officers go through in any chase anywhere in the country but amped up 100 times! I'm right in the thick of things in a car going like 80 miles an hour and doing 360s in the middle of the road. It was a wild ride.

We'll try to include Iraqi officers in our staffs. We will do everything we can to empower Iraqi security forces to stand up on their own and operate where they can alone.