Search For occupation In Quotes 46

But because we live in an age of science we have a preoccupation with corroborating our myths.

Today's preoccupation with physical theories of everything takes a wrong turn from the purpose of science - to question all things relentlessly. Modern physics has become like Swift's kingdom of Laputa flying absurdly on an island above the earth and indifferent to what is beneath.

Much of today's public anxiety about science is the apprehension that we may forever be overlooking the whole by an endless obsessive preoccupation with the parts.

I wanted to reimagine the role in a way that was respectful of its traditional responsibilities but made them part of a wider pattern of poetry about national incidents events preoccupations and to spend a great deal of time going to schools trying to demystify poetry.

The experts who managed the original Marshall Plan say Afghanistan needs a commitment of at least $5 to $10 billion over 5 to 10 years coupled with occupation forces of 250 000 Allied soldiers to keep the peace throughout the country.

Mr. President prime ministers let us have ambitions: ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation to the day when two states Palestine and Israel can live together side by side in peace and security.

Parenting as an unpaid occupation outside the world of public power entails lower status less power and less control of resources than paid work.

Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation in arbitration but the soldier's occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone.

In my afternoon walk I would fain forget all my morning occupations and my obligations to society.

Preoccupation with money is the great test of small natures but only a small test of great ones.