Search For obedience In Quotes 30

The only positive finding which could be drawn from the first series was the conclusion that the relationships obviously had a more complicated lay-out than had been thought for the effects were so varied that no obedience to any law could be discovered.

Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.

King consciously steered away from legal claims and instead relied on civil disobedience.

Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.

It is with obedience to your call that I take up the burden of government leadership for the final time.

When obedience to the Divine precepts keeps pace with knowledge in the mind of any man that man is a Christian and when the fruits of Christianity are produced that man is a disciple of our blessed Lord let his profession of religion be what it may.

After the knowledge of and obedience to the will of God the next aim must be to know something of His attributes of wisdom power and goodness as evidenced by His handiwork.

I have thought about it a great deal and the more I think the more certain I am that obedience is the gateway through which knowledge yes and love too enter the mind of the child.

I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.

If you tell God no because He won't explain the reason He wants you to do something you are actually hindering His blessing. But when you say yes to Him all of heaven opens to pour out His goodness and reward your obedience. What matters more than material blessings are the things He is teaching us in our spirit.