Search For noise In Quotes 36

A 'scream' is always just that - a noise and not music.

The movies that are made more thoughtfully or made or with more ambition often get just get drowned out by the noise.

When I was a kid my mom used to run the vacuum cleaner and the noise would bother me so much that I would run into the woods to calm down. I feel like that vacuum cleaner has been on since I moved to New York City.

I think when you're learning an instrument you are restricted because much of it is the noise of individual theory and your ability to play the instrument.

We're not that much smarter than we used to be even though we have much more information - and that means the real skill now is learning how to pick out the useful information from all this noise.

Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.

Confronting a stadium audience you can't see the whites of their eyes. It's just an amorphous mass of noise and of course you can't see the alleged billions watching at home either so the degree to which you are intimidated is quite low.

Literature is the expression of a feeling of deprivation a recourse against a sense of something missing. But the contrary is also true: language is what makes us human. It is a recourse against the meaningless noise and silence of nature and history.

The filth and noise of the crowded streets soon destroy the elasticity of health which belongs to the country boy.

Small debts are like small shot they are rattling on every side and can scarcely be escaped without a wound: great debts are like cannon of loud noise but little danger.