Search For narrow In Quotes 47

Crabbed and obscure definitions are of no use beyond a narrow circle of students of whom probably every one has a pet one of his own.

There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.

American men as a group seem to be interested in only two things money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.

Pursue some path however narrow and crooked in which you can walk with love and reverence.

I gained direct knowledge of the life of the poor in big towns: I have lived the narrowing mechanism of its conditioning and feared it.

Every man gets a narrower and narrower field of knowledge in which he must be an expert in order to compete with other people. The specialist knows more and more about less and less and finally knows everything about nothing.

Use your imagination and you'll see that even the most narrow humdrum lives are infinite in scope if you examine them with enough care.

I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed.

To the extent that the judicial profession becomes the daily routine of deciding cases on the most secure precedents and the narrowest grounds available the judicial mind atrophies and its perspective shrinks.

Law is stable the societies we are speaking of are progressive. The greater or less happiness of a people depends on the degree of promptitude with which the gulf is narrowed.