Search For mystic In Quotes 29

The mystical poetry of William Blake's artwork also forms the basis for the album cover.

The scientific observer of Nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer.

The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour.

Sex is a doorway to something so powerful and mystical but movies usually depict it in a completely flat way.

What I do is not some magical mystical thing. I simply get up in the morning get to work on time say my lines and do the best I can.

Liking money like I like it is nothing less than mysticism. Money is a glory.

What does mysticism really mean? It means the way to attain knowledge. It's close to philosophy except in philosophy you go horizontally while in mysticism you go vertically.

Wit is the appearance the external flash of imagination. Thus its divinity and the witty character of mysticism.

Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other to let their souls blend in a soft whisper so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can as it were creep into God.

Uncontrolled the hunger and thirst after God may become an obstacle cutting off the soul from what it desires. If a man would travel far along the mystic road he must learn to desire God intensely but in stillness passively and yet with all his heart and mind and strength.

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When I left Bradford and got a phone call from Dave Parnaby asking 'did I want to come back in?' I was delighted to accept. The whole buzz at the club at the moment is great for someone like me who is still learning and wanting to hopefully go into management in my own right at some point.