Search For mysterious In Quotes 39

Extremes in nature equal ends produce In man they join to some mysterious use.

In some mysterious way woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms I move through them yet in metaphysical ones they seem to move through me.

The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.

Like a morning dream life becomes more and more bright the longer we live and the reason of everything appears more clear. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end.

A silent man is easily reputed wise. A man who suffers none to see him in the common jostle and undress of life easily gathers round him a mysterious veil of unknown sanctity and men honor him for a saint. The unknown is always wonderful.

Guys are simple... women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated as they are only way more mysterious. The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically.

There was no religious ceremony connected with marriage among us while on the other hand the relation between man and woman was regarded as in itself mysterious and holy.

God the Father the supreme Architect had already built this cosmic home we behold the most sacred temple of His godhead by the laws of His mysterious wisdom.

It is impossible to predict the time and progress of revolution. It is governed by its own more or less mysterious laws.

All good music resembles something. Good music stirs by its mysterious resemblance to the objects and feelings which motivated it.