There is no correlation between happiness and amounts of money.
Hugs can do great amounts of good - especially for children.
To assert in any case that a man must be absolutely cut off from society because he is absolutely evil amounts to saying that society is absolutely good and no-one in his right mind will believe this today.
Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism but larger amounts bring us back to God.
The will is a beast of burden. If God mounts it it wishes and goes as God wills if Satan mounts it it wishes and goes as Satan wills Nor can it choose its rider... the riders contend for its possession.
Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.
I don't need the fillers additives excessive amounts of sugars fats salts and other measures taken to taint the natural goodness of real food.
Anorexia you starve yourself. Bulimia you binge and purge. You eat huge amounts of food until you're sick and then you throw up. And anorexia you just deny yourself. It's about control.
In addition to contributing to erosion pollution food poisoning and the dead zone corn requires huge amounts of fossil fuel - it takes a half gallon of fossil fuel to produce a bushel of corn.
Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.