Search For mirror In Quotes 79

One of the things I keep coming back to in my writing is that society doesn't work on this mirror principle you don't have an exact replica on the left of what you have on the right. It just doesn't work that way.

Simply that we are mirroring the trends in society at any given time smuggling was an issue in the seventies corruption is an issue today and we faithfully reflect those issues.

We ought to be beating our chests every day. We ought to look in the mirror stick out our chests suck in our bellies and say 'Damn we're Americans ' and smile.

I am a Westerner. We're not going to change the West by going East. The East has a lot to teach us but essentially it's like a mirror saying hey can't you see what's here in your own religion what are you stupid?

Every relationship that we have in our lives - our contact with each person place and event - serves a very special if yet to be realized purpose: They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way.

I look for the humanity in people however big the politics or oppressive the situation may be whether it's subsumed within a human being or between two human beings. I want to help us hold a mirror to ourselves.

Poetry it is often said and loudly so is life's true mirror. But a monkey looking into a work of literature looks in vain for Socrates.

There is an urgent need for Americans to look deeply into themselves and their actions and musical poetry is perhaps the most effective mirror available. Every newspaper headline is a potential song.

Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.

We're living in a time when parenting is not at all mirroring the way I was parented. For me I just followed my parents around on their errands when they were busy on the phone I was quiet. It's a different kettle of fish these days: They run the house and you listen to their music and you go to their appointments.

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I haven't been as wild with my money as somebody like me might have been. I've been very safe very conservative with investments. I don't blow money. I don't have a ton of houses. I know things can go away. I've already had that experience.