Search For minority In Quotes 30

The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist terrorism by Bin Ladin and others who draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance within a minority strain of Islam that does not distinguish politics from religion and distorts both.

A pet store is a celebration of dogs' existence and an explosion of options. About cats a pet store seems to say 'Here we couldn't think of anything else.' Cats are the Hanukkah of the animal world in this way. They are feted quietly and happily by a minority but there's only so much hoopla applicable to them.

I've always had questions about what it meant to be a protester to be in the minority. Are the people who are trying to find peace who are trying to have the Constitution apply to everybody are they really the radicals? We're not protesting from the outside. We're inside.

A lot of movies were influenced by 'Logan's Run ' like 'Minority Report'. A lot of films have those elements in them.

A majority perhaps as many as 75 percent of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor however by taking their money to terminate their children.

Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races and in black and other minority men.

Nixon in 1968 unlike Obama 2008 was elected as a minority president with only 43 percent of the vote. Yet in 1972 he won what in some measures was the most lopsided election in American history with 61 percent.

In Republics the great danger is that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority.

It's counterintuitive but the most divisive arrangement is when the same party controls both Congress and the presidency a situation encountered in eight of the past 10 years. With government unified under a single party the minority has the least possible incentive to cooperate with the majority.

If you want to be a government in a minority Parliament you have to work with other people.