Search For mediocrity In Quotes 18

In America I would say New York and New Orleans are the two most interesting food towns. In New Orleans they don't have a bad deli. There's no mediocrity accepted.

Being famous is not something that would make me feel successful - unless one was striving for mediocrity.

Mechanization best serves mediocrity.

There is an infinite difference between a little wrong and just right between fairly good and the best between mediocrity and superiority.

Great artists are people who find the way to be themselves in their art. Any sort of pretension induces mediocrity in art and life alike.

The thing is I don't believe in most of what's done. The amount of financial and imaginative energy that's put into mediocrity is just amazing which I find to be fundamentally offensive as a human being.

We live in an age of mediocrity.

Men of age object too much consult too long adventure too little repent too soon and seldom drive business home to the full period but content themselves with a mediocrity of success.

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I try to be the best husband I can be and if people respect that that's cool. But there's no 'perfect husband.' We just all try to do the best we can you know what I mean?