Search For medical In Quotes 255

In 1963 and later papers I pointed out that the special market characteristics of medical care and medical insurance could be explained by reference to differences in information among the parties involved.

Alfred Nobel was much concerned as are we all with the tangible benefits we hope for and expect from physiological and medical research and the Faculty of the Caroline Institute has ever been alert to recognize practical benefits.

Because of my medical and ideological training I am accustomed to saying that life is adaptation and symbiosis.

We ought to be providing protective sanctuaries for the Kurdish rebels. That means finding some places where they can come and to which we will then be able to provide food and water and medical help.

The sort of thinking at the time was 'Well we're giving you access to medical care which you wouldn't otherwise be able to get so your payment is that we get to use you in research.'

Medical research in the twentieth century mostly takes place in the lab in the Renaissance though researchers went first and foremost to the library to see what the ancients had said.

Was this an old disease and if so which one? If it was new what did that say about the state of medical knowledge? And in any case how could physicians make sense of it?

The grounding in natural sciences which I obtained in the course of my medical studies including preliminary examinations in botany zoology physics and chemistry was to become decisive in determining the trend of my literary work.

I went to Duke University in the medical track. And then I decided I wanted to do something more creative so I switched to biochemistry at Nebraska.

I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

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You ask me if I will not be glad when the last battle is fought so far as the country is concerned I of course must wish for peace and will be glad when the war is ended but if I answer for myself alone I must say that I shall regret to see the war end.