Search For mates In Quotes 46

As long as I have the support and respect of my teammates that's all I can ask for.

When you have that respect from your teammates it makes it a lot more comfortable.

It's important not to ditch your mates when you're in a relationship. Lots of girls do it but you need to remember they will always be there for you.

Each underestimates her own power and overestimates the other's.

I lack the magnificent richness of color that animates nature.

I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down.

A child's learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher.

I'm inspired by the sheer ingenuity and intelligence possessed by my fellow band mates.

When AI approximates Machine Intelligence then many online and computer-run RPGs will move towards actual RPG activity. Nonetheless that will not replace the experience of 'being there ' any more than seeing a theatrical motion picture can replace the stage play.

I don't want to talk about intelligence matters. I will say however that intelligence-community estimates should not become public in the way of this city and in the way of Congress.