Search For massive In Quotes 43

Nobody could tell us or really had a very good idea if there were a massive release of radiation what kind of medical treatment people were going to need and this or that or indeed whether there would be medical personnel around.

I had a very wise person tell me that he thinks marriage when you're younger you keep thinking you can fix things. That's what people do. And you can't really fix anything. It shouldn't be a massive difficult thing every day. Life's difficult enough.

They view massive immigration as a massive infusion of potential voters for the Democratic Party and therefore will do nothing absolutely nothing to stop that flow of legal or illegal entrance into the country.

The Republican Party looks at massive immigration legal and illegal as a source of cheap labor satisfying a very important constituency.

The Democratic Party looks at massive immigration legal and illegal as a source of voters.

All the legal action I've taken against newspapers has had a massively positive effect on my life and achieved exactly what I wanted which is privacy and non-harassment.

I always was very interested in intellect and the massive world of knowledge out there but in terms of being a kid who wanted to be treated as an equal school is not the place.

The intelligence failures with respect to Iraq were massive and have damaged our credibility around the world.

When I go on the plane to fly home I'm literally capable of forgetting what I do for a job. That also comes about because I choose to take massive breaks between projects and because I choose to do this ridiculous thing of keeping home home.

Hydraulic fracturing requires massive amounts of water. Disposing of the toxic wastewater as well as accidental spills can contaminate drinking water and harm human health.