Search For marvel In Quotes 40

In our nature however there is a provision alike marvelous and merciful that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

The newspaper is a marvelous medium. It is extraordinarily convenient and cheap. Let's see. This one cost 75 cents. Now that's a little high. I bought it when I was downtown this morning.

It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.

I had this wild imagination. I was never me. All my childhood photos I'm in fancy dress playing a Russian refuge or Marvelous Mad Madam Mim.

History is one of those marvelous and necessary illusions we have to deal with. It's one of the ways of dealing with our world with impossible generalities which we couldn't live without.

As a child I was a great liar. Fortunately my mother liked my lies. I promised her marvelous things.

The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures.

We're a diverse society and I think the TV is doing a great job in showing that we're all human beings that we can all get along that we can all be together and I think that's a marvelous thing.

The United States Constitution has proved itself the most marvelously elastic compilation of rules of government ever written.