Search For manager In Quotes 55

What's more important than who's going to be the first black manager is who's going to be the first black sports editor of the New York Times.

The sports world is an echo chamber. All it takes is one quote from a general manager and a thousand sports columns bloom.

My most romantic job: I was a manager at Baskin-Robbins.

It's critical that the manager has the respect of players so he can make the moves that he feels is appropriate without having somebody go to the papers. They respect you. So you respect them back.

The only thing I believe is this: A player does not have to like a manager and he does not have to respect a manager. All he has to do is obey the rules.

Managers have very tough jobs. I always respected their job but demanded respect in return.

What I would say about Barney Eastwood is that when our relationship worked it worked extremely well. He had a lot of strengths as a promoter and a manager.

Oh the relationship with actors and managers and agents and things is a terrible problem sometimes.

For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.

I'm just happy to be a film where for once I don't have to worry about my hair because my managers are always complaining about my hair looking depressing in my movies. Which is true. I mean it's true.

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I have never seen a game's graphics look so sharp and clean. The sound design for the game is also unique on the Xbox. The memory on this system allowed us to provide the user with 5.1 Dolby surround sound for home theatre owners.