Search For managed In Quotes 33

Method is more important than strength when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake a crow once managed To have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.

When you consider all the stars I have managed mere submarines make me smile.

Just as the Russians and the Soviets didn't manage to wipe out languages in Lithuania neither have they managed to wipe out religion to the extent that we had feared.

The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault.

Poetry is one of the few nasty childhood habits I've managed to grow out of.

The experts who managed the original Marshall Plan say Afghanistan needs a commitment of at least $5 to $10 billion over 5 to 10 years coupled with occupation forces of 250 000 Allied soldiers to keep the peace throughout the country.

I've managed to do movies and still keep a lifestyle where I can go to ballgames go to a grocery store like everybody else.

I've thought hard about my psychological connections and I think I've managed to separate out the psychological from the legal moral and political.

The great leaders have always stage-managed their effects.

Families are the tie that reminds us of yesterday provide strength and support today and give us hope for tomorrow. No government no matter how well-intentioned or well-managed can provide what our families provide.