Search For majority In Quotes 117

At the same we need to remain sensitive to the reality that we are still an African society in which the majority of the people and communities live under severe deprivations and afflictions that are no fault of theirs.

I think that the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the survival of conscious. And many times that validation message is negative or sad.

So war is an extremely sad business because the majority of people don't want to be in it.

Alabama citizens like the vast majority of Americans respect and value the meaning of decency and appreciate public institutions that reflect the common values of our society.

We respect opposition to any position or policy. But we believe that the opinion that should prevail and be respected is that of the majority.

The restriction of religion to private life therefore does not necessarily threaten the vital interests of the majority religion if there is one and it protects minority religions from tyranny of the majority.

This House cannot function without an open accountable and independent ethics process and the molestation of that process by the majority is an abuse of power that cannot stand.

The truth does not require a majority to prevail ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.

In a republic this rule ought to be observed: that the majority should not have the predominant power.

In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich because there are more of them and the will of the majority is supreme.