Search For magical In Quotes 39

What I do is not some magical mystical thing. I simply get up in the morning get to work on time say my lines and do the best I can.

We went to a small lake Bass Lake. It was beautiful. It was perfectly still when we got there in the morning. The fog was lifting off the water. It was just magical. And we did catch some fish 13 fish.

Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment.

But then there are magical beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery and in the most unlikely places and it gives you hope.

I'm a firm believer that lighting affects mood and twinkly lights on strings bring something magical to occasions ranging from concerts to weddings though I'm fond of using them as year-round home decor. There's a reason why they're sometimes called fairy lights. When the night is right there aren't any strings at all.

I love my family and I had a very wonderful magical childhood. But New Jersey was actually a very cold place. There was such an intense concentration of wealth and such a low concentration of any actual human happiness.

There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder.

The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Often the magical elements in my books are standing in for elements of the real world the small and magical-in-their-own-right sorts of things that we take for granted and no longer pay attention to like the bonds of friendship that entwine our own lives with those of other people and places.

It's easy for Americans to forget that the food they eat doesn't magically appear on a supermarket shelf.