Search For luckily In Quotes 16

Luckily I don't have to buy shoes anymore because I design them! I'm off tour so I can dive in and create the shoes that I want for my line. But okay I did buy a pair of vintage combat boots because they were so beaten up - I had to have them.

I jumped off a cliff backwards for 'I Am Number Four ' which was pretty cool. I'd never done that before. It took seven takes from different angles and luckily there were no injuries. I came close though. My head nearly hit the rock at one point.

Luckily I have some amazing friends.

I love a beautiful gown on stage and luckily I've been fortunate to wear some amazing dresses.

Luckily my husband is my business partner as well as my life partner so I never had to do the heavy lifting alone literally or figuratively.

With age you see people fail more. You see yourself fail more. How do you keep that fearlessness of a kid? You keep going. Luckily I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself.

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I've got a great team of engineers behind this race car. I've got a great bunch of mechanics that make it reliable. This car is developed to go out there and be better than the Reynard and I feel that it is.