Search For louis In Quotes 25

King Louis Philippe once said to me that he attributed the great success of the British nation in political life to their talking politics after dinner.

Cajun is country food by farmers and fisherman that arrived in Louisiana from Acadiana Canada.

In '71 or '72 I returned to New Orleans and stayed there. I started cooking Louisiana food. Of all the things I had cooked it was the best-and it was my heritage.

St. Louis has a lot of weird food customs that you don't see other places - and a lot of great ethnic neighborhoods. There's a German neighborhood. A great old school Italian neighborhood with toasted ravioli which seems to be a St. Louis tradition. And they love provolone cheese in St. Louis.

My food is Louisiana New Orleans-based well-seasoned rustic. I think it's pretty unique because of my background being influenced by my mom Portuguese and French Canadian. There's a lot going on there.

I guess I feel that I was following my instincts and at the same time being guided by the best. I became totally intrigued with Louisiana - the people the food. It is a part of my life. Everything that has happened for me since moving here has just been icing on the cake.

I define fear as standing across the ring from Joe Louis and knowing he wants to go home early.

Louis Malle was the best filmmaker I've ever worked with. He was such an artist. He was dealing with the theme of innocence and experience.

In my home State of Louisiana several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita literally dozens across the entire State.

Marc Jacobs is full of creative people and Louis Vuitton is again a name on the door a name that has existed for many years but I'm a collaborator there and I bring in other people other artists and I work with a great creative design team.

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My illness has taught me something about the nature of humanity love brotherhood and relationships that I never understood and probably never would have. So from that standpoint there is some truth and good in everything.