Search For loads In Quotes 16

The nerds are the ones that make the films and do loads of other really cool stuff in their life.

I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business. I mean I get loads of money all from different sources. You give it to your accountant. They manage it.

My main aim has always been to do good quality films with roles that have some substance. With Power and Beauty there were loads of things that I liked about the movie which made me opt for it.

Well when you're the youngest of five parents kind of lose interest more and more through the children. I think my eldest brother was under loads of pressure to do something amazing with his life but by the time I came around they were like 'Well let's hope he doesn't kill a guy.'

As a child I wanted only two things - to be left alone to read my library books and to get away from my provincial hometown and go to London to be a writer. And I always knew that when I got there I wanted to make loads of money.

Confidence is something you're born with. I know I had loads of it even at the age of 15.