Search For listened In Quotes 33

Have you listened to the radio lately? Have you heard the canned frozen and processed product being dished up to the world as American popular music today?

Back then people closed their eyes and listened to music. Today there's a lot of images that go with the music. A lot of music is crap and it's all commercial and the images are all trying to sell the record.

I listened motionless and still And as I mounted up the hill The music in my heart I bore Long after it was heard no more.

I mean I kind of remember... I'm 36 now so it's kind of hard for me to relate to what it was like when I was 25 or 24 but I do remember a period in time when that's how I defined who I was by the music I listened to and the movies I went to.

Well he doesn't make me laugh. I think I've got a fair sense of humour but I can't really see it in him. I've listened to his show on the radio on a Saturday morning and that's a load of mince as well.

Bill Bennett really became an idol for me. I listened to him every morning from 6 to 9 for oh years.

My mom listened to the Beatles and Elvis a lot of different types of music.

Dinner 'conversation' at the Cohens' meant my sister mom and I relaying in brutal detail the day's events in a state of amplified hysteria while my father listened to his own smooth jazz station in his head.

So I went out and bought Hard Again by Muddy Waters. That was a big learning curve. I listened to that album again and again and again. James Cotton was the harmonica player on that album.

For four years I listened to stories of intelligence failures and it wasn't due to incompetence of anyone in the system but that the system is so arcane.

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The mind of the polyglot is a very particular thing and scientists are only beginning to look closely at how acquiring a second language influences learning behavior and the very structure of the brain itself.