Search For liked In Quotes 143

The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife my three children some friends I would have liked to grow old with.

Now I am about to be nailed as the man who disliked 'Howl's Moving Castle.' Lord give me strength! Also IT please disconnect the e-mail thing.

We really love all sports but we don't think in the long term. The reason we did Kingpin was because there was a script we really liked and we saw the possibilities.

The last few years I became a lot more into sports. Growing up the sports I liked were independent sports like skateboarding. I was really into skateboarding and not necessarily team televised sports.

I liked sports but I never really had the confidence. I was always coordinated and it came easy to me but I didn't have the confidence to go along with the physical skill.

I liked the game I enjoyed the game and the game fed me enough and gave me enough rewards to reinforce that this is something that I should spend time doing and that I could possibly make a priority in my life versus other sports.

I liked the energy of cooking the action the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it.

I've never wanted anybody to like me because I had long hair or short hair or that they liked the way I dressed or they liked the way I dressed or they liked the way I smile.

I did one sci-fi movie. I did 'Gattaca.' I liked 'Gattaca' because that was always the kind of science fiction I really dug the non-action oriented sci-fi.

I liked math - that was my favorite subject - and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science.