Search For leaning In Quotes 22

I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight.

Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don't need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized I feel less stressed.

I think the biggest thing is clean as you go. Wash all your knives cutting boards dishes when you are done cooking not look at a sink full of dishes after you are done. Cleaning as you go helps keep away cross contamination and you avoid having food borne bacteria.

I was raised by a single mother who made a way for me. She used to scrub floors as a domestic worker put a cleaning rag in her pocketbook and ride the subways in Brooklyn so I would have food on the table. But she taught me as I walked her to the subway that life is about not where you start but where you're going. That's family values.

I was so emotional. Choked up. I could hardly talk all day. I'll be cleaning out my trailer and saying goodbye soon realizing what a wonderful experience this has been.

Americans don't pay much attention to environmental issues because they aren't sexy. I mean cleaning up coal plants and reining in outlaw frackers is hugely important work but it doesn't get anybody's pulse racing.

When we realize we can make a buck cleaning up the environment it will be done!

For me I am left leaning when it comes to health and education on the right when it comes to defense. So I don't know where I come on the political spectrum. And I think this the challenge that a lot of Jordanians have to deal with.

I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms.

When I was living on the street I would be standing out in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater leaning against my car and signing autographs and nobody had any idea that I was living in it.