Search For ladder In Quotes 24

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

Take motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out about a century ago that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent.

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

The higher one climbs on the spiritual ladder the more they will grant others their own freedom and give less interference to another's state of consciousness.

If US per capita income continues to grow at a rate of 1.5 percent a year the country will have plenty of money to finance comfortable retirements and high-quality healthcare for all citizens including those at the bottom of the wage ladder.

There were periods of my life when a lot of people didn't believe in me. I still had faith in myself. I really had to ask myself life questions. Where do I see myself in five years? Create a ladder for yourself and walk up the steps. Climb that ladder.

You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.

I believe that access to a university education should be based on the ability to learn not what people can afford. I think there is no more nauseating a sight than politicians pulling up the ladder of opportunity behind them.

Education is not only a ladder of opportunity but it is also an investment in our future.

I got stuck up a tree when I was about seven and my dad had to come and get the ladder to get me down. I loved to climb all the way up to the top. I must have been a koala in my past life.