Search For jewish In Quotes 77

I have my own religion. I'm sort of one-quarter Baptist one-quarter Catholic one-quarter Jewish.

First of all the Jewish religion has a great deal in common with the Christian religion because as Rabbi Gillman points out in the show Christianity is based on Judaism. Christ was Jewish.

I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.

Twenty five percent of Israeli citizens are not even Jewish. Anybody can become an Israeli citizen if you qualify. Religion is not a criterion for citizenship.

You know I get much more Jewish in Israel because I like the way that religion is done there.

For as long as the power of America's diversity is diminished by acts of discrimination and violence against people just because they are black Hispanic Asian Jewish Muslim or gay we still must overcome.

All national institutions of churches whether Jewish Christian or Turkish appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit.

I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat the leader of the PLO the representative of the Palestinian people with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state entity next to us living in peace.

I don't think I have accomplished what I still have to accomplish. There is one thing that I would like to do and that's to bring security and peace to the Jewish people.

For me peace should provide security to the Jewish people.

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All the legal action I've taken against newspapers has had a massively positive effect on my life and achieved exactly what I wanted which is privacy and non-harassment.