Search For jersey In Quotes 22

I would drive home and see people wearing my No. 34 jersey and wonder why because I didn't feel worthy of that. And all the time I just knew people were staring at me talking about me everywhere I went.

And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that I've been in public life is what you see is what you get. And I'm no different when I'm sitting with you than I am when I'm at home or anyplace else.

I love my family and I had a very wonderful magical childhood. But New Jersey was actually a very cold place. There was such an intense concentration of wealth and such a low concentration of any actual human happiness.

Now in New Jersey we have more government workers per square mile than any state in America. But since I've been governor we now have fewer people on the state payroll at any time since Christie Whitman left office in January 2001. That's the right direction Mr. President not the wrong direction.

I don't think 'Gee I'd like to dress this person.' There was a picture in Us magazine. It was a jersey dress and Courtney Love was wearing it. I have this thing about Courtney Love this funny worship.

I worked at a hot dog place a bagel place the Jersey Store and the hottest fashion joint around. I was getting too famous to work there anymore. I was almost showing up as a joke. I made $2 000 on my show the previous night and I'm going to go shopping during my five-hour shift.

Given my last position that I was the first U.S attorney post 9/11 in New Jersey I understand acutely the pain and sorrow and upset of the family members who lost loved ones that day at the hands of radical Muslim extremists. And their sensitivities and concerns have to be taken into account.

Furthermore both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.

Then I was working in a store in Newark New Jersey and I saw an actor in person and I got so excited. My whole day changed. That's when I decided to challenge myself to make my dreams become a reality.

After having done this whole slew of press for 'Big Love ' now I'll have anxiety dreams for like a week and a half about all the stupid things I said. I can't even imagine being in front of the cameras all the time. I had a weird dream the other night that I was on 'Jersey Shore.'