Search For inventor In Quotes 15

My dad was an inventor and I think I've always had a rosy view of technology or at least its potential.

I was always a kid trying to make a buck. I borrowed a dollar from my dad went to the penny candy store bought a dollar's worth of candy set up my booth and sold candy for five cents apiece. Ate half my inventory made $2.50 gave my dad back his dollar.

There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you're good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward.

The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors nor even in its newspapers or inventors but always most in the common people.

The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs.

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At this stage of my life I would rather try and have some small impact within a company and suffer through those things than make such a big stink that nobody can trust to work with you. It's very important in an environment of a big institution that people don't feel threatened that you're going to expose them in any way.