Search For interior In Quotes 22

The garden by design is concerned with both the interior and the land beyond the garden.

I've always been a bit of a decorator. I think if I wasn't a singer I'd probably be in stage setting or interior design or something. I like clutter and I'm quite visually greedy. I can't have things to be plain I have to have things looking interesting... maybe I'm just a frustrated interior designer stuck in a singing career.

The principle of the design - the harmony rhythm and balance are all the same with interior and fashion design.

In most people's vocabularies design means veneer. It's interior decorating. It's the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But to me nothing could be further from the meaning of design.

Now it is evident that a little insight into the customs of every people is necessary to insure a kindly communication this joined with patience and kindness will seldom fail with the natives of the interior.

To attract men I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior.'

All those lessons that I've learned on the court I have applied them to my life outside of the court in business my company called V Starr interiors an interior design company and EleVen which I wear on court.

Interior design is a business of trust.

The work of art just like any fragment of human life considered in its deepest meaning seems to me devoid of value if it does not offer the hardness the rigidity the regularity the luster on every interior and exterior facet of the crystal.

Progressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live but also about the intensely social character of their interior lives. Ultimately it can propel people toward social emancipation.