Search For insure In Quotes 18

This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government basically running the entire healthcare system turning large insurers into de facto public utilities depriving people of choice depriving people of options raising people's prices raising taxes when we need new jobs.

To insure the adoration of a theorem for any length of time faith is not enough a police force is needed as well.

Today because of President Obama's courage kids can stay on their parent's plan until they are 26. Insurers cannot kick you off your policy because you have hit your limit. They will not be able to deny you because you have a pre-existing condition.

Now it is evident that a little insight into the customs of every people is necessary to insure a kindly communication this joined with patience and kindness will seldom fail with the natives of the interior.

There was a time in L.A. when I drove to 7-Eleven to go grocery shopping and I locked my keys in my car which wasn't insured. My wallet was in there and I couldn't call AAA because I only had $7 in my bank account. It was one of those moments where I was like 'O.K. I literally have nothing right now.'

Competition among insurers would bring down the cost of health care insurance just as it brings down the cost of car or homeowners insurance.

I own stock and I also insure my car with Geico.

Women would be disproportionately affected by the privatization of social security. It is one of the most important safety nets for American women in old age or in times of disability to insure financial income for their families.

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I'm quite private. And I never wanted to be the biggest star in the world really. So in that sense I've got a good balance of doing great shows of making an appearance every now and then and writing music and I don't really have to do much else.