I've declined every congressional benefit I could decline federal health insurance the retirement program the 403(b) program which I think is overly generous. I've got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long.
The highest-income Americans don't need tax-free health insurance mortgage interest deductions or deferred taxation on retirement funds.
Well there are about 10 million children that aren't covered by health insurance. About 3 million qualify for Medicaid but don't get it so we're going to reach out and bring more of those kids into the Medicaid program.
If it's really so wonderful that both partners have to work to make a living to pay for their house for health insurance someone is obviously going to get the short end of the stick.
The place I feel most at home is when I have health insurance. I really don't care how I get it whether it's on film or television or waiting tables you know?
However many skilled medical volunteers are turned away because community health centers cannot afford to cover their additional medical liability insurance.
Every day families in the United States face the stark choice between a roof over their heads and food on the table. Buying health insurance owning a home and saving up for college are just too far out of their reach.
One in seven Americans lives without health insurance and that's a truly staggering figure.
For many years I didn't have health insurance.
Because when we think about the real facts: 44 million Americans without health insurance millions without jobs a 50-year high on mortgage foreclosures an historic high the third year in a row on personal bankruptcies.