Search For inspirational In Quotes 48

I think the end goal hopefully is to take advantage of the attention I've gotten along the way and use it for good and build some communities and as I get older I can continue to do things and be surrounded by things that are inspirational to me.

Since we launched the original 'Pop Idol' in England I've remained close with Simon Fuller. Working as executive producer on 'American idol' for its first seven years not only was an inspirational journey into the heart of American pop culture it opened my eyes to the untapped potential of the incredibly dynamic young people in this world.

I grew up in a bookless house - my parents didn't read poetry so if I hadn't had the chance to experience it at school I'd never have experienced it. But I loved English and I was very lucky in that I had inspirational English teachers Miss Scriven and Mr. Walker and they liked us to learn poems by heart which I found I loved doing.

In fact I wouldn't really call this a Gospel album I call it more an inspirational album.

I'd like to one day be featured on a list of inspirational people who have made a difference in the world whether it be helping underprivileged people or putting an end to the poaching of wildlife in Africa.

Books are challenging and inspirational to me.

The flow of Guiness into the studio was inspirational as well as nutritive.

I am very conscious of who I am as an artist and as an inspirational person.

I will always desire to play with Bruce Springsteen. He's the most inspirational most dedicated most committed and most focused artist I've ever seen. I like to be around people like that.

Had I not come out with an inspirational CD you perhaps would have never known that I feel like I feel that all songs all the music I've ever done is a gift from God.