Search For indication In Quotes 17

When you are angry or frustrated what comes out? Whatever it is it's a good indication of what you're made of.

Life is a culmination of the past an awareness of the present an indication of a future beyond knowledge the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter.

We have not sought this conflict we have sought too long to avoid it our forbearance has been construed into weakness our magnanimity into fear until the vindication of our manhood as well as the defence of our rights is required at our hands.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

A fundamentalist can't bring himself or herself to negotiate with people who disagree with them because the negotiating process itself is an indication of implied equality.

It is of course further indication that a fundamentalist right has really taken over much of the Republican Party People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education.

Television could perform a great service in mass education but there's no indication its sponsors have anything like this on their minds.