Search For indian In Quotes 60

Much of Indian science seems intuitive and not bound by the rigid thinking of classical scientists.

I mean the unfair treatment of women and black people and Indians and other groups that's real. Mistreatment of other people because 'I'm better than you are' is such a sad part of the world.

The American Indian was an individualist in religion as in war. He had neither a national army nor an organized church.

The religion of the Indian is the last thing about him that the man of another race will ever understand.

Indian religion has always felt that since the minds the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite.

First take the government of the Indians out of politics second let the laws of the Indians be the same as those of the whites third give the Indian the ballot.

Like Indiana Jones I don't like snakes - though that might lead some to ask why I'm in politics.

If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace.

Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas!

I find Indian music very funky. I mean it's very soulful with their own kind of blues. But it's the only other school on the planet that develops improvisation to the high degree that you find in jazz music. So we have a lot of common ground.