Search For incredibly In Quotes 88

I had a great drama teacher and he sort of made out drama school as this incredibly difficult thing to get into: 6 000 people apply every year and some of the schools only have 12 places. It's a phenomenally difficult thing to get into. And that excited me - I wanted that challenge.

I don't think it's an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.

I played a ton of team sports growing up and team wins are just incredibly gratifying.

I receive huge support from Irish and British sports fans alike and it is greatly appreciated. Likewise I feel I have a great affinity with the American sports fans. I play most of my golf in the U.S. nowadays and I am incredibly proud to have won the U.S. Open and U.S. PGA Championship in the last two years.

I push every day against forces that say you have to go faster be more effective be more productive you have to constantly outdo yourself you have to constantly outdo your neighbor - all of the stuff that creates an incredibly productive society but also a very neurotic one.

When you walk into a room a healthy beautiful smile is incredibly important.

Clinton's hands remain incredibly clean don't they and Tony Blair's smile remains as wide as ever. I view these guises with profound contempt.

It cannot be said often enough that science fiction as a genre is incredibly educational - and I'm speaking the written science fiction not 'Star Trek.' Science fiction writers tend to fill their books if they're clever with little bits of interesting stuff and real stuff.

I'm terribly sad about Farrah's passing. She was incredibly brave and God will be welcoming her with open arms.

I'm incredibly sad that my mother's not here to see my kids and that my kids don't get to know her. And she didn't meet my husband. That's one of the hardest things. I don't even know how to put that into words.