Search For imply In Quotes 322

Rightly defined philosophy is simply the love of wisdom.

A mistake is simply another way of doing things.

I think a lot of people who feel as though they desperately want to be married oftentimes simply desperately want to have a wedding.

He was a degenerate gambler. That is a man who gambled simply to gamble and must lose. As a hero who goes to war must die. Show me a gambler and I'll show you a loser show me a hero and I'll show you a corpse.

However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and powerful neighbours we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole British Empire in a war simply on her account.

Ideas are the great warriors of the world and a war that has no idea behind it is simply a brutality.

The three-year-old who lies about taking a cookie isn't really a liar after all. He simply can't control his impulses. He then convinces himself of a new truth and eager for your approval reports the version that he knows will make you happy.

Truth should not be forced it should simply manifest itself like a woman who has in her privacy reflected and coolly decided to bestow herself upon a certain man.

Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said.

Everything deep is also simple and can be reproduced simply as long as its reference to the whole truth is maintained. But what matters is not what is witty but what is true.

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I do have a close circle of friends and I am very fortunate to have them as friends. I feel very close to them I think friends are everything in life after your family. You come across lots of people all the time but you only make very few friends and you have to be true to them otherwise what's the point in life?