Search For identified In Quotes 18

M*A*S*H offered real characters and everybody identified with them because they had such soul. The humor was intelligent and it always assumed that you had an intellect.

Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope by a limit imposed from without but falsely identified as lying within.

To be Jewish is to be specifically identified with a history. And if you're not aware of that when you're a child the whole tradition is lost.

The year 2008 was a reminder to those who had forgotten that there is such a thing as history and that the cycle of famine and feast in commerce first identified in antiquity and well understood in the Middle Ages was not suddenly abolished in modern times.

Sometimes you recognize that there is a category of human experience that has not been identified but everyone knows about it. That is when I find a term to describe it.

Most men are very attached to the idea of being male and usually experience a lot of fear and insecurity around the idea of being a man. Most women are very identified with their gender and also experience a tremendous amount of fear and insecurity.

In his first year in office President Obama pulled us back from the brink of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and worked to lay a new foundation for economic growth. The president identified three key strategies to build that lasting prosperity: innovation investment and education.

It's normally the kiss of death to be identified as a rising star or someone to watch.

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Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual. I did not deliberately abandon my fans nor did I deliberately abandon any responsibilities.