Search For hundreds In Quotes 40

I think it's science and physics are just starting to learn from all these experiments. These experiments have been carried out hundreds and hundreds of times in all sorts of ways that no physicist really questions the end point. I think that these experiments are very clearly telling us that consciousness is limitless and the ultimate reality.

For hundreds of millions of Americans who believe in God prayer is our bridge between Earth and Heaven our way of opening our hearts to the Lord. Through this intimate relationship we find peace and guidance.

In a wristwatch imagine the battery is in the strap and there's a medical sensor in there connected to the internet. If someone is monitoring that they could phone up if the user has forgotten to take some medication. This could save hundreds of dollars in medical fees later. What's missing? It's a stable battery.

Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house for hundreds of years. It is not then an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital and often in the case of professional men setting out in life it is their only capital.

In the area we're discussing leadership begins on Madison Avenue on the desks and in the offices of people who spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying what will get them ratings.

A screen actor is compensated in the knowledge that millions will see his performance at one time where only hundreds will see it on the stage.

I've flown across America I've scaled fences I've stood under windows and gone out of my way hundreds of times. I'm a hopeless romantic. There's no hope for me.

Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the war on terror. By bringing hope to the oppressed and delivering justice to the violent they are making America more secure.

With all the hundreds of dresses and shoes I have it would be an absolute crime if I don't have a little girl. I have a whole room at home filled with my stage wear.

In Afghanistan there is a plan to build democracy hundreds of thousands of troops are protecting it. There is a plan to rebuild and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home.