Search For household In Quotes 44

My dad is a lawyer and my mom is an artist. So growing up was exactly what it sounds like - strict household but a lot of creativity. They are so psyched that I get to make music for a living. My parents rule.

My goal is to be a household name and when I do that I want to help other girls become models and maybe even launch a fashion line with my mom like Beyonce did with her mother. My mom has such a good eye and it's always been a dream of hers.

Being the only man in the household with my mom definitely helped me grow up fast.

I grew up in a Hindu household but went to a Roman Catholic school. I grew up with a mother who said 'I'll arrange a marriage for you at 18 ' but she also said that we could achieve anything we put our minds to an encourage us to dream of becoming prime minister or president.

Marriage is a bribe to make the housekeeper think she's a householder.

People see I am a mother and head of a household. Today in Chile one-third of households are run by women. They wake up take the children to school go to work. To them I am hope.

During the Second World War evacuated to non-Jewish households I encountered Christianity at home and in school.

One of the great privileges of having grown up in a middle-class literary English household but having gone to school in the front lines in Southeast London was that I became half-street-urchin and half-good-boy at home. I knew that dichotomy was possible.

I was brought up in a household of chaos and I never felt stable at home.

For me already being part of a single parent household and knowing it was just me and my mom you'd would wake up times and hope that the next day you'd be able to be alongside your mother because she was out trying to make sure that I was taken care of. But all I cared about was her being home.