Search For horses In Quotes 21

We have two dogs Mabel and Wolf and three cats at home Charlie George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm Tom and Little Sister two horses and two mini horses Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed.

I played a great horse yesterday! It took seven horses to beat him.

I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.

When I wonder what the future of books will be I often think about horses. Before automobiles existed everyone had a horse. Then cars became available and their convenience compared to horses was undeniable.

Anybody who finds it easy to make money on the horses is probably in the dog food business.

When I grew up I only had two dreams. One was to be a cowboy and another was to be in the military. I grew up extremely patriotic and riding horses.

Acting is sort of an extension of childhood. You get to play all of these roles and have so much fun. Playing an athlete would be so cool. Or where you get to shoot guns ride horses. I wouldn't turn down any of that.

The wildest colts make the best horses.

Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.

I grew up loving horses. I was relatively obsessed starting with my rocking horse at age 2 all the way through my painting and drawing phase.