Search For hilarious In Quotes 22

I think Chris Rock at the Oscars was a great example. I thought that was intellectually hilarious. The Gap starts a war with Banana Republic... That to me was funny.

Laurence Olivier said in an interview once that when he plays a tragedy he always aims for the funny parts and the other way around. Because in a comedy you look for what's serious. I think that's true. Sometimes things are really funny if you're absolutely earnest. If you're really serious it's hilarious.

The thing I thought about doing it was it's Comic Relief and you've got to be funny. So although I did try to sing properly it obviously has hilarious results when you can't sing.

I find it very easy playing Bond. I think he's hilarious. He gets himself into some extraordinarily funny situations.

I could party in a cardboard box with people who are funny and don't care. For me it's really about who I surround myself with so I just try to always be with hilarious people.

It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.

I love tiny plastic realistic food magnets. I don't know why. They're hilarious.

For years I always thought it was hilarious that I was this fitness guru because fitness was just a tool I utilized to help people improve their confidence. For me it's never been about fitness. It's always been about helping to empower people.

I'll never forget my 24th birthday when my tooth got punched out. And for a second I was like it would be really hilarious if I sold it on eBay. But I can't that's just too creepy. I don't think I can go there.

If you play it straight it's funny - the best comedy is always played straight down the middle. The adjustment is understanding from the screenplay that a moment is hilarious.